Kepler 62f
Kepler 62f
An artist's impression of the Super-Earth exoplanet Kepler 62f.
  • Kepler 62f is 1,200 light years from Earth.
  • It was discovered in April 2013 and has been confirmed.
  • The planet orbits in the habitable zone of its host star, an area which would allow for the presence of liquid water on it surface.
  • With a radius of only 1.4 times greater than that of Earth Kepler 62f is one of the smallest planets yet to be discovered in the habitable zone.
  • With such a small radius it is highly possible Kepler 62f is a rocky world like Earth.
  • If Kepler 62f is a rocky world its gravity would be similar to that of Earth.
  • Its mass is unknown but if it has a similar composition to Earth its mass would be around 2.5 to 3 times greater than our planet.
  • Four other planets have been discovered in the Kepler 62 system, the slightly larger Kepler 62e also orbits in the habitable zone.
  • The planets orbit the star Kepler 62, an orange dwarf with a mass of around 70% that of the sun and emitting around one fifth the energy.

Kepler 62f compared to Earth in size
Planet Kepler 62f has a diameter only 1.4 times larger than Earth.
Kepler 62f Orbit
Kepler 62f revolves around its host star at a distance of around 67 million miles (108 million km) and takes around 267 days to make one complete orbit.
Kepler 62f Atmosphere
Kepler 62f receives less energy from its star than our planet receives from the sun, as a result its atmosphere would have to be composed of more greenhouse gases in order to create a habitable climate.
Kepler 62f Habitability
If Kepler 62f does possess a thicker atmosphere than Earth it is possible that liquid water could be present on its surface, which would make Kepler 62f one of the most Earth like planets yet to be discovered.

Kepler 62f Statistics

Host Star: Kepler 62
Host Star Type: Orange Dwarf - K Type Main Sequence
Host Star Mass: 69% of Sun
Constellation: Lyra

Distance from Earth: 1,200 light years
Planets Detected in System: 5 confirmed

Discovery Date: April 2013
Detection Method: Transit Method
Exoplanet Type: Super Earth

Mass: Around 2.5 to 3 x Earth depending on composition
Diameter: 1.4 x Earth

Distance from host star: 67 million miles (108 million km)
Orbital Period: 267 days

Atmosphere: A heavier atmosphere composed of more greenhouse gases would produce a habitable climate, if Kepler 62f has a similar atmospheric composition to Earth it would be a frozen world.
Temperature: Unknown.
Gravity: Rocky composition would result in gravity around 1.4 x Earth.

Possibility of Life: If conditions would allow for the presence of liquid water on its surface it is possible life could exist on Kepler 62f.